Peter DeMarco and his wife, Laura Levis, hiking together last summer in Scotland. Credit Photo courtesy of Peter DeMarco
After his 34-year-old wife suffered a devastating asthma attack and later died, the Boston writer Peter DeMarco wrote the following letter to the intensive care unit staff of CHA Cambridge Hospital who cared for her and helped him cope.
Not all hospitals are created equal, and the differences in quality can be a matter of life or death. In the first comprehensive study comparing how well individual hospitals treated a variety of medical conditions, researchers found that patients at the worst American hospitals were three times more likely to die and 13 times more likely to have medical complications than if they visited one of the best hospitals.
The study, published Wednesday in the academic journal PLOS One, shows “there is considerable variation in outcomes that really matter to patients, from hospital to hospital, as well as region to region,” said Dr. Thomas H. Lee, a longtime health care executive who was not involved in the research.
Since Donald Trump won the election, nearly 900 incidents of violence, hate speech and harassment have been reported. In light of these attacks, it's important that you know what your rights are and what you can do if you or someone you know is the target of one of these attacks in the workplace. Click on the links to learn more about your rights, what constitutes illegal activity and what you can do about it if you are targeted.
Local 40’s annual school supply and
backpack drive was a big success again
this year, collecting more than 200
backpacks fully stocked for the children
in its community of Mt. Clemens,
Michigan. But the even bigger news is
that Local 40 soon will have established
an official charitable foundation, the
OPEIU Local 40 Nurses Charity Fund.
Local 459’s nurses are similarly doing good works in their community of Lansing, Michigan, recently conducting their own annual Stuff a Backpack project to help abused, neglected and at-risk children in the foster care system.